Kamis, 13 November 2008

Anime: Clannad After Story

Another one of the amazing pieces of anime around after Kanon. Clannad is truely one anime that has it all, cuteness, comedy, drama, happiness and tear-breaking moments. The After Story continues on from the previous season and explains the portions and story left out earlier. I seriously missed the first season but only till then I'd manage to get a glimpse of it and it turns out to be rather interesting.

(Pictures to be uploaded soon)

After Story is mainly a continuation of Nagisa's story and is set immediately after School Life when Nagisa and Tomoya are now living their lives as a couple, and extends into the next ten years. The anime then enters a tear-breaking downfall of the family with the death of Nagisa and the struggles involved. With that, a strange phenomenon appears and Tomoya has to deal with it on his own.

(Pictures to be uploaded soon)

Clannad After Story is seriously an anime not for the faint heart especially towards relationships. I've been in a daze ever since Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien and would probably be so for this anime too. If you truely are a fan of Air or even Kanon for that matter then this is the next good thing by the same company that produces those anime. Not to be missed...

Visit the website at http://www.tbs.co.jp/clannad/clannad1/index-j.html