Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

Anime: Skip Beat

Skip Beat! is an anime rather similar to Special A from last season whereby childhood friends battle it out seeking revenge from each other but ends up in a awkward situation. What's so amazing is that a live action is confirmed to be in the making too. Have yet to watch this anime though but by the looks of it, it's kinda entertaining. Sure to catch up some time to watch this.

(Pictures to be uploaded soon)

The story of Skip Beat! is about a girl named Kyoko Mogami who loves her childhood friend, Shotaro. She was cruelly betrayed and thus seeks revenge against him. Not wishing to take over his parents' inn, Shotaro decides to move to Tokyo to pursue a career in music. Kyoko was asked to tag along. Shotaro made it big but Kyoko was enraged when she found out that Shotaro mistreated her again and thus vows revenge by becoming a bigger star than him. She changed her appearance and started to enter the entertainment business. Skip Beat follows Kyoko's journey to climb the showbiz ladder as she meets interesting people along the way, all in the hopes of revenge and finding herself in the end.

(Pictures to be uploaded soon)

Skip Beat! initially begans as a manga and thus the anime. I suggest reading the manga too just for kicks and to know more about it but not forgetting the anime. (The manga's drawing is kinda different so don't be surprise it doesn't tally with the anime. If you're a fan of Special A, then this might be a cue for you to watch as it's pretty popular with the girls too. (Something like Nana and sort) In any case, Skip Beat! is currently on air this season so don't miss it.

Visit the website at http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/s-beat/