Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

Anime: Mission E

From a glimpse of it, Mission E seems like a classic anime but it airs in July this year. Mission E somehow continues from its previous predecessor named Code E but with the introduction of a new heroine into this group... Seriously, I too didn't have the time to watch this anime so am too gonna put this on hold till I finish watching Shagukan No Shana 2... With many animes started piling up in my to-watch lists, I think I gonna just save them all in a portable hard drive for future viewing purposes...

In the near future, there are people with TYPE-E capabilities who spend their lives normally, without noticing their capabilities. Miharu is an office worker. She worries because every electrical instrument near her breaks. One day, several men appear. They say that a crisis is approaching her and begin to take her away. Then two women in shining rainbow bodysuits appear. They have superb physical abilities and defeat the men easily to help Miharu. They begin to talk about the people who have TYPE-E capabilities and according to them, there are actually two conflicting power blocs namely OZ, the organization they belong to, which was founded to help TYPE-E-capable people adapt to society and the other one is Foundation, for which the aforementioned men work. They advocate the isolation and control of TYPE-E individuals.

Mission E could be the next thing in sci-fi action animes this season... Well there isn't much this time round other than Code Geass or Gundam... There are currently just 3 episodes on crunchyroll so you may wanna take your time to watch this without worry... Try watching some other exciting and popular ones that are zooming pass us even as we speak now...

Visit the website at http://avexmovie.jp/lineup/mission-e/